
Saturday, January 22, 2011

How to make a Flower Ball using only 12 red packets

My friend brought some square red packets. At first, we could not decide what to do, later we discovered we could make a flower ball with only 12 square red packets!

I've created this video to show you how to do it, it's very simple.

If you have kids, you can teach them to make one for their art lesson or make one to decorate your house for the coming Chinese New Year on 3 Feb 2011.

Here are the materials required:

1. 12 square red packets
2. A piece of red string about 30cm
3. Stapler with yellow or red staples filled
4. 1 Tassel
5. Sticky tape

Have Fun!

How to make a Rotating Lantern with red packets 红包走马灯

In my earlier post on my Rotating Ang Pow Lantern that brought luck to my Mom to win $60 lottery.
Here, I found a video to teach you how to make one. Hope my post here brings all of you good luck and win a fortune too!